Mission & Board

Mission and Guiding Values


Our mission is to share the historic land of Osamequin Farm by hosting a cooperative of small scale farmers, public gatherings, and educational opportunities for our community.

All of our work is a direct reflection of our guiding values of cooperation, collaboration and stewardship. From our organically-raised berries and cut flowers to the heritage breed livestock who help us maintain the land, to the programs that enable our Seekonk neighbors and the greater Providence community to share in the abundance and beauty of the fields, forest and marshes - we take seriously our responsibility as stewards to conserve and protect the land in our care.

Our Guiding Values

We believe that

  • Our actions reverberate. 
    Therefore, we steward the land with a gentle touch, we approach our relationships with kindness and compassion, and we strive to act with mindful intention.

  • Responsible stewardship and sustainable practices are essential for our longevity. 
    We believe in a holistic approach to stewardship, keeping in mind the interconnected health of our farmers, our neighbors, our soil, our pollinators, our forests and all the life that nature supports.

  • We have a duty to learn from the past in order to build a more just future.
    We strive to foster a welcoming space for all people regardless of race, religion, or class. 

  • Trust and generosity of spirit are the foundation of a strong and healthy community.
    We work to remain flexible and open, admit to our mistakes, and seek to understand differences. 

  • Those of us with the privilege of land, of resources, of safety in our everyday lives have a duty to share with others.
    Therefore we offer favorable long-term leases to small farmers, and welcome other organizations and our neighbors to the farm.

  • Reverence for the natural world serves to ground us, 
    and that we have a responsibility to protect and nurture the limited resources that we enjoy abundantly on the farm.

  • Supporting a vibrant community of local farms is a vital component of a more sustainable and equitable food system.
    Therefore, we foster collaboration and cooperation among our Resident Farmers and beyond, and seek to reduce barriers to entry by providing infrastructure and support to our Resident Farmers. 

  • We have an opportunity to serve as a model
    by fostering a community that values cooperation and collaboration over competition.