Events Calendar

Upcoming events at Osamequin Farm.

Upcoming Events at Osamequin Farm

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Volunteer: Blueberry Pruning (Sundays)

  • Osamequin Farm Walnut St and Prospect St Seekonk MA USA (map)

Lend a hand pruning our beloved blueberry bushes this winter!

Each winter we prune our blueberry bushes to help them produce big delicious berries in the coming summer. 

This work is not physically difficult but does require some intention and a brief training demonstration. 

Once you get the hang of it, it's like a puzzle you get to solve over and over as you move from bush to bush!

Pruning volunteer days will be Sundays in February. 10am - noon as well as March 2 and March 9, 10am - noon.
Sign up to join us for one or several. 


  • We'll have tools to share and you will be trained when you arrive on pruning technique. 

  • Dress to stay warm and bring your work gloves if you have them. Wander down the path to visit the maple boil when you're done pruning to warm up around the fire!

  • Snacks and warm beverages will be available for all volunteers! 

  • Safety first! Children are welcome to attend and help out or hang out, but keep in mind that sharp tools such as loppers and hand saws will be used.

  • If you have any questions about accessibility of this activity or other details, please reach out to Autumn Jencks directly -